19 Best Positive Parenting Quotes
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This article is going to talk about some of the best positive parenting quotes we could find.
We went and looked for the best positive parent involvement quotes.
We’re confident we selected the best positive quotes about parenting to help inspire all parents. Check it out.
As a parent, there’s going to be some days where things are going to be very difficult.
For all, we know it could be today for you. To help keep your sanity sometimes you need to find inspiration.
One of the best ways to gather inspiration is through quotes.
For me personally, I’ve been a big collector of quotes for years.
Back in elementary and high school as nerdy as it sounds, I used to keep a quote journal where I wrote all the quotes that I found interesting.
Every so often I would flip through them just to gain some inspiration.
This is going to be something similar. I want you to be inspired and motivated as a parent.
Parenting is not easy, and it’s not for the faint of heart, but you got this.
You Got This!
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Positive Parenting Quotes
Truthfully children can be an inconvenience.
They force you to shift your priority. In many ways, the things we loved to do and even our goals change with kids.
On the flipside remember that you’re raising and shaping the mind of the next generation. The next CEO, the next doctor or scientist that finds the cure for a disease could be your child.
Don’t take it for granted.
This quote is significant because it emphasizes the importance of being present in your kid’s life.
This quote by Barbara Johnson goes really well with this following
The original quote didn’t have fatherhood in there, but I went ahead and added it.
This quote is just as important to dads as it is for moms.
This is something I’m honestly still learning. I’m a big planner.
Always thinking about the future.
There’s nothing wrong with it, but like everything, too much of anything is a bad thing.
We all need to learn to take a break from thinking about the future and just live in the moment.
The moment is what kids want and the moment is what kids remember.
Don’t stop planning for a better future for your family, but don’t forget to give them their moment also.
To further highlight this point
This goes back to the above quotes. It’s all about the precious moments you build with your child.
The times your child will cherish and remember when their older is not the toys they got or didn’t get, but the time you took to play with him or her using the toy.
There’s no such thing as perfection. Just focus on trying your best.
As a parent, you’re not going to have all the answers. Honestly, you’ll probably be lucky to have answers half the time.
As your child is figuring out the world around them, you’re going to be figuring out how to best parent them.
Your child is going to have strengths and weaknesses based on their abilities.
We need to first love them where they’re at.
The child who’s falling behind in school should be loved just as much as the child with an IQ of 160.
Children need to feel your unconditional love.
As a parent, you’re going to have some difficult moments with your child.
When those moments arise, and they will you’re going to be tested to see how you’re going to react.
You’ll think if I’m super hard on them and put the “fear of God” in them they’ll start listening and do what I want them to do.
The problem with the strategy of trying to put the fear of God in your kids to get them to listen is you’re not God.
The strategy as effective as it might be, risks causing resentment in your kids. You want your kid to come to you out of love and admiration and respect.
To help illustrate this point think how you feel at your job when you have a boss you don’t really like.
The boss who goes around putting the “fear of God” in all their subordinates.
How effective is it?
You probably do what they want.
But how do you feel about it?
Different scenario.
What if it’s a boss you really like?
How effective is it?
Does it not make you want to work harder? And go the extra mile?
You definitely feel differently.
It’s better to be well respected than well feared.
Witcraft’s quote is such a powerful positive quote on parenting.
I think at times we place such a big emphasis on working so we can pay bills and have nice things.
By themselves, there’s nothing wrong with those things.
It’s just we tend to place a lot of emphasis on stuff that in the grand scheme of things that don’t truly matter.
Things that don’t really impact the world.
We talk about wanting to change the world, and we always think we need to do this grand thing.
As parents, all you really have to do is love your child well.
That well taken care of child than grows up and takes care of a couple more people. You see we can create this positive cascade that keeps growing.
Let me just say talk is cheap…very cheap. Action is what matters. While it might seem like your child isn’t listening to you.
Your child is listening.
He or she might only seem to listen and pick up things they shouldn’t while ignoring the important things they should listen to.
You know what they’re also doing. They’re watching you. They’re watching how you act. How you treat others.
They’re also watching for you to model the behaviors you’re telling them to do.
Do they see you yelling and treating others poorly, and yet you’re trying to teach them respect?
Children have this innate need to be loved and cared for.
If he or she doesn’t feel loved and cared for you’re going to have a hard time trying to teach him or her anything of importance.
You remember the phrase patience is a virtue?
Patience is hard sometimes. But the end result is a valuable lesson to you and your child.
Patience is remaining calm (not getting angry or acting out of anger) in the face of difficult situations or circumstances.
Show your child how they should act in the face of a difficult situation.
This was my feeling when I first read this.
This statement really hits home and makes me think. I hope it does the same for you.
What’s the application for this?
Do you let kids get away with bad behavior? I don’t believe that’s what it’s saying.
It’s saying kids like adults have bad days and bad moments like adults do.
While you, of course, want to educate and guide your child in an appropriate way to display frustration or a bad day.
We also need to be patient with them when they fall short of that.
Your child wants your attention and to know you love them. Children will go to great lengths if they feel they don’t have it.
Bad behavior at times is a reflection of that.
Great adults are born from great parents who believed in them and loved them first.
One of my all-time favorite quotes.
The great American poet, singer and civil rights activist (amongst other accomplishments) Maya Angelou said it well.
When your child gets to be an adult they’ll forget the exact things you told them, they might forget what all you guys did together.
But they will remember how they felt when they were around you during those activities.
There’s absolutely nothing wrong about wanting your child to have more than you had, especially if you grew up poor with inconsistent food, water, and shelter.
What good and loving parent wouldn’t want their child to have more than they did?
Of course, they do.
This quote focuses more on materialism.
As a society and culture, we focus too much on material items. This quote teaches us to also look at the quality of a person.
In other words, you want your kids to hopefully be a better person than you were based on learning from your mistakes.
Final Thoughts
What are your favorite positive quotes about parenting? Let us know in the comment section below.
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