Can Daycares Give Medicine? [Parent’s Guide]
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Some children need daily medication. Whether it’s for an autoimmune disease, like juvenile diabetes, or a condition like ADHD, there are children who must receive some type of medication during the day.
If you’re a parent who has a child who does have an underlying health issue that requires regular medication administration, you’re probably concerned about a daycare’s ability to give your child their much-needed medicine.
Can daycares administer medications?
Daycare providers can legally administer medication to children. Most providers will ask parents to sign a release form and a doctor’s note stating the exact dosage and procedure for giving the medication. A child care center cannot legally turn a child away if daily medication is needed.
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Daycare and Medication
You may worry that you cannot work full-time or use daycare services if you have a child who requires daily medication.
Luckily, daycare centers can provide this medication and are generally very capable of managing different types of routine medical care. Still, there may be many questions you have about how medication is given in a daycare setting.
Below I’ll go through several questions I think you may have when it comes to how daycares handle giving medications to kids. Please note that if you have any specific questions it might be best to reach how to your daycare to see how they handle it.
If you haven’t found a daycare, or you’re not comfortable about the daycare you do have. You can go here to search for other daycare in your area.
Related: What Reasons Can My Daycare Kick Out My Child?
Frequently Asked Questions
Daycares Can Handle It!
Being the parent of a child who requires daily medication can be tricky. Luckily, most daycare providers are accustomed to administering medication. If you don’t have a daycare yet, go here to search for daycare services in your area.
Is this an issue you have encountered as a parent? What advice would you give to others in a similar situation? Let us know in the comments!